
Epic Student Ministry is for students in Middle and High School.  
Middle School Ministry is grades 6 through 8,
High School Ministry is grades 9 through 12.


A typical student gathering includes snacks, games, 
small groups, and relevant teaching . 
We have amazing leaders who walk alongside students 
as they take their next steps in faith and life. 


We meet Wednesday nights from 6:30-9:00PM 
with programming from 7-8:30PM,
 and Sunday mornings from 9-10:15AM.
Check out our upcoming events below! 

Current Series: 

This series revolves around the story of Jonah, and highlights lessons learned from his life. This rebellious prophet from the Old Testament has a well-known story, and there is so much we can learn from his life even today.  In this series, we will explore what it looks like to run towards God instead of away from Him, how He pursues us, and how He is a God of second chances. 

SALT - Students Awakening Life Transformation

S.A.L.T.: STUDENTS AWAKENING LIFE TRANSFORMATION – on Sunday mornings, we gather for S.A.L.T. from 9:00-10:15AM at Epic for a chance to hang out and build relationships, eat breakfast, and spend time deepening our faith and learning to be disciples for Jesus.  Middle School meets in room 204/205 and High School meets in room 208.
Make sure you join us for SALT and then stay for our Sunday gathering at Epic at 10:30 AM.

Upcoming Events


We will be going to Winter Camp this year at Cedar Lake. Camp will be February 7-9 and the cost will be $160. This weekend winter camp will have sessions, worship, small group time, and tons of fun activities like 9-square, snow tubing, broomball, human foosball, and more! To sign up, visit our website. Sign up and initial deposit of $80 is due January 23. There are a limited number of spots and it is first-come, first-served, so sign up early!

Past Special Events

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